Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Lalit UpadhyayAnswered on : 26 Jun 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Ramesh wanted to be politician so that he can help the people of his constituency.He contested the election and after lot of effort he won the election.He did lot of works like development of school ,road and availability of water in his constituency.He also to action to remove corruption from his area after one year of tenure he visited a village to know the condition of village.Which was in very bad condition before his tenure now the situation is good . Everyone of the village gather to welcome him and thanks him for his work.He continued to work for welfare of people and improving condition of constituency and helping underprivileged He showed enthusiasm toward his work and a sense of responsibility toward people.


Your English is very poor. First try to improve it. Secondly your answers do not impress much. Why does your parents think that you do nothing? Think for a while and try to figure out what actually your parents, siblings, teachers and friends think about you.
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Commented By : CHEBROLU SRINU       Member Level : Silver      Commented On : 06-Jan-2022       Points : 2      

why all are you thinking in positive manner see it in also negative shade there are negative shades indeed.
please observe the surrounding people nature..

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