Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Tanmoy ChakrabortyAnswered on : 26 Jun 2017
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1 Ram was a police officer in Champaran district of Bihar. One morning while going to office he noticed that the interconnector near his office premises had been surrounded by many people. ram rushed to the scene to see what had happened. He saw that that a car was lying there witha man bleeding inside. Ram quickly took the man out. He called for help to the nearby people and with their help he took the man to the nearest hospital. Ram also called the man's relatives. The doctors informed him the man was not in any danger & ram had just admitted him in the nick of time. After the man's relatives came to check on himm, they met Ram and thanked him for taking initiative and saving the man's life. Later ram returned home with the group of people who had helped him to take the man to the hospital. he


Story is good but avoid writing sentences such as "Siddharth was a very brave, just, honest and friendly person".
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