Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : swathi jAnswered on : 24 Feb 2018
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 In the above picture I see a car surrounded by the people of all age groups, the mood seems to be very happy and positive. Manoj is a very young and dynamic business man cum superstar yet very simple and humble. people love him for his simplicity. He had this award ceremony today for his acting in his recent hit 'an idiot'. as soon as his car arrived near the venue, all his fans waiting for him surrounded his car creating chaos. In that a person fell down and was hurt very badly , Manoj immediately called for the help, made arrangements for him to be taken to the hospital and told his fans to act sensibly. He took responsibility for the incident. Soon after the ward function got over, rushed to the hospital, and even took care of complete expenses. Finall
2 He finds that his girlfriend is moving with his opponent.


Good story.
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