Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : KunalAnswered on : 06 Jul 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Ram is a young social worker who works for the welfare of the society. One fine evening, when he was coming back to home, he saw a crowd of mob shouting with banners in their hand, pushing public vehicles like cars and trying to damage. On asking, Ram came to know that there has a company who had not paid the wages of last three months to the workers and people were agitated. Ram tries to handle the situation. he convinces the mob not to destroy public property. He pacifies them , convinced them tactfully to protest against their issue with peaceful means. He then controlled the anger of people, called the police and made the atmosphere calm. Later, Ram helped workers, listened to their problems and raised voice for them in peaceful manner. And finally matter was resolved and workers were happy. Later, govt. also appreciated Ram's effort to save a the city from a issue which could have turned into a high conflict otherwise.


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