Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : hermandeep5Answered on : 28 Apr 2018
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Ram is a executive in cotton mill. One day the labours are on strike. When the owner comes, they surround the owner's car and start banging it. Ram observes this and realizes the situation might get worst. So he immideatley makes a strategy to settle down things and bring peace. He makes a team of 4 and sends them to inform polce and local administration. and also call ambulence. He himself along with top executive approach the leader to let him realize the situation. arranges a loud speaker and help the leader dictate a speach to make the crownd settle. assures a meeting between owner and workers. Meteting happens and helps bring a consensus between the workers and the management. Ensures that the promises are met. Also makes the workers realize that the company is a for them and is providing them employent which helps them run schools. Also ensures that the promise of education for workers children is met by the owners of the company. People appreaciates his effort to bringe the gap and bring prosperity and peace.


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