Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Vansh Pratap SinghAnswered on : 29 Jun 2018
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 There lived a boy named Sham Lal. He was good t nothing. Moreover he was unstable in his walking because of a disease. Once he grew up he was teased by his peers that he cn't walk properly and they used to chase him until he fell. He decided to change his life and joined the Army. Once he was there he found out that his disease is self treating up day by day and he shall recover soon with his legs revived back. That time his country went on a state of war, he was posted on the front barrier as a technician and his peers were fighting the war. His country was loosing the battle so he made up his mind to save the country and ran with all his might and all of a sudden he could run like a bird on the ground. He saved many army men of his country that day and was awarded National Award of Honour and became very famous amongst youngsters. He was all over the TV and media. Once time passed by he was infamous once again and started to run one day just like that. He ran accross the country throughtout a year stopping only for sleeping and meals.. He made a world record. Finally he was famous again and was chased and followed by people blindly as an idol. He started his business. Owned a car. And proved that disability


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