Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : GaneshAnswered on : 07 Jul 2018
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1 Mr.Lalith kumar is a young and dynamic politician who is a representative of the JPK Party.He is known fondly amongst the people of his constituency,Bareilly, as The People's Leader as he works hard for the benefit of the people.He has just finished a discourse on the party's agenda for the year having covered a wide range of topics which include poverty alleviation and women empowerment.In the past Lalith has waived off all farmers' loans and also ensured the education of children upto age of 14.The exuberant and enthusiastic people cheer for their leader as he is escorted away from the grounds of Bareilly Building.The people are seen flooding around his car,an Ambassador, as it drives away.
2 PPDT picture for SSB practice Shyamala is a young mother aged 25 years who is trying to put her crying child,whom she proudly calls Vinod to sleep.She is carefully rocking the baby's cradle while singing melodious tunes.The baby,a healthy boy of 1 year and 2 months slowly nods off to sleep and Shyamala is happy that the child has fallen asleep so now she can look into other chores and relax. Shyamala exhibits care and compassion.


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