Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Shubhansu JeeAnswered on : 06 Dec 2018
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1 There is a huge crowd waiting to meet the biggest messenger of God who recently turned out to be the god of technology. Recently in the past, there was a mission going on for the human existence in mars, and the greatest scientist in our country just traveled back with the specimen of their existence. This showed the country with lots of glories which people are overwhelmed with the news. They are just in a way of meeting the person who just got near to existence of god which turned to be a god in himself with his existence and the glory went with his warm welcome by the people and discovery turned out to be the greatest glory to the country. The future of the people was found in his discovery which suited up a new life on another planet. This is the biggest achievement of the man traveling in the car with crowd all over.


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