Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : priya12Answered on : 03 Mar 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 salman kurshid is a veteran actor and q uite experienced political reviwer too . recently conditions got worse in the boundary of india pak but the current govt didnot take any instances , so he decided to give a review regading this , he used his twitter handle to upload his own thoughts and those were expressing the need for retaliation towards the prblem to conserve the dignity of country . that whole state mennt made him a national hero and many more followed him ,hence a mass movement aroused which made govt nervous and hence action was taken reagds to the pressing issue after the problem got solved salman was now a national hero , that day he was going someplace when fans took the notice and a large mob appeared to praise him. after whole of this incident he was now a national hero ,,but he continud the good work n future and helped many more time as atru patriot ,later he was awarded npble peace prize by uno at the recieving ceremony he said only two things "jai hind"


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