Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : ARIJIT LAHIRIAnswered on : 12 Apr 2019
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1 It was a time when the air had tension and despair filled in it. People's heart were throbbing as they were eagerly waiting for the respected hero of our country wing commander XYZ. He while taking on a terrorist location was fired upon and his fighter craft unfortunately landed in pakistan occupied Kashmir. Even though he was captured he kept his calm and destroyed all the relevant and important documents that could harm our his precious country. On the night when the people were so anxious to get a glimpse of the country's hero, they saw a car along with few other military carsapproaching. As the cars came in close the reporters and people started cheering and applauding and the place was crowded. Out came then was the commander of border force and he urged the reporters and people to pave way and help him recover and go through neccessary medical procedures before making a fuss. after that he was allowed to go and the country celebrated his return with pride.


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