Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Gurram RambabuAnswered on : 26 Jun 2019
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1 I perceives that there were a crowd those were waiting see a person who was special to them my stories goes like this .My hero of the story was man whose name was naresh a very talented person in a small village his family was too poor .while naresh wanted to study well but thee were no financial supply from the family .naresh was Courage's and bravery man he wish to became an IAS officer and want serve for the nation. From the school studies entire village know the knowledge of naresh .due to family fanacial problems naresh stopped his study and he went to daily labour work .the villagers got the decision that he is a very talented person but he need some fanacial problem why would we support him they decided to help him .they gave a finacial help to naresh and he went to further studies he awares the hopes that the entire village were kept on him he studies hard


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