Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Ishaan Answered on : 10 Jul 2019
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1 Tanay a graduate was home for the holidays at his home town. He had always loved meeting his grandparents during the festive season. During Ganpati festival this time he was at home when suddenly he heard the shouts of his grandfather. His grandmother was lying unconscious on the ground and even after he checked her he found no pulse so he being the only other person at home decided to take the car of his grandfather and go to the hospital 4 Km away. as he entered the main road just 100 mtr from the hospital he encountered a major blockade where the procession would have made it impossible to reach the hospital so his quick thinking led him to get out of the car and stand on the roof explaining the problem to those around. They immediately started to form a chain & helped him reach the hospital in time to help his grandmother be revived. He was very thankful to Lord Ganesha as it was a miracle that he was able to reach in time.


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