Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : abhishek biswasAnswered on : 22 Oct 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Amit the main protagonist always wanted to do civil services and serve his country. after his graduation as a computer science engineering student he decided to work hard for civil services. He was from a poor family so he could not afford any coaching, but he was determined. He bought the necessary books and magazines and the rest he downloaded pdfs from internet. He studied day in and day out. Some days he used to study for 14-16 hours a day. He was really dedicated. And his efforts paid off. he cracked the exam and got AIR #17. He was selected for IAS. He was the first IAS officer from his colony. After completing his training he returned to his colony in his car. and the people gathered there to welcome him. His family was proud of him and so was his colony members. Amit was very happy from his success and promised his people that he was be obedient in his duties and work for the welfare of the society and his motherland.


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