Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : mukul bharadwajAnswered on : 25 Oct 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Rohan had always wished to be successful, though he had been brought up under such conditions wherein he had access to only limited resources. Since he lived in Mumbai, he used to see many celebrities and that people were mad after them. He was attracted towards this life and wanted to realize his dreams. He had, by ow decided that he would work hard and become a successful actor one day. He worked very hard, and took a part time job to support himself and his family. Along with this he also joined an acting training academy. He worked day and night and gave his best to realize his goals. Soon, his talent and hard work was recognized by his instructors. He was given a chance to prove himself through auditions, and he did not let his instructors down. Soon he found that he was very close to realizing his dream as he had already accomplished a major part of it. i.e. polishing and refining his skills to leave a mark on the acting industry.


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