Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : NISHANT RATHIAnswered on : 21 Feb 2020
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Somedays before government passed a new bill according to which only two children of the parents are authroized for government jobs and will be getting the benfits of the government poilices and the third or more others than the first two childs will not be considered for government jobs and policies. in protest to that people of many communities decided to protest against it because they believe that this bill is against the human mankind. how can someone decide that how many children someone should have. like take an example if the first two children of the parents or both girl then what will be government do . it that couple is not allowed to give a birth to 3rd child. as they also want to take forward their sername . how can some decide that. many people also believe that children are the blessings of the god and no one has that right he can take the blessings away. now the governer has arrived at the delhi gate where the protest is going on . he will be listening to the people dem


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