Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Rajal RathoreAnswered on : 24 Apr 2020
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Once there was a 17year old boy named sharukh . Who lived in a slum area of delhi , He loves acting one day while walking on a road he saw advertisement of the selction for a role in a movie and he decided to go there. He went to his home and told his mother. But due to financial problems his mother denied. Then he went to other people in his area and asked them for a help and said i just want some money to buy a ticket and survive there And he promised he will back soon and pay back. Next day he proceed towards his journey and reached at that place he got rejected but he decided to try again he tried and one day a producer hired him , he work hard . Now due to his hardwork and dedication toward his dream made him successful and he became the king of Bollywood . He went to him


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