Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : sukriti singhalAnswered on : 05 Aug 2020
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1 It was friday morning when Ms. Roshni lalwani, the goverment lawyer won the case against the powerful contracter Suresh Rathore. It was february when a farmer satish came running for help to roshni to protect them from them and their single source of income from the biggest contractor Mr. Suresh Rathore of the state of maharashtra who was trying to steal the field of 100 farmers and was forcing them to sign a deal in which the farmers will get the spoken amount in return of their field, their dreams. Roshni consoled satish that she would talk to suresh rathore in this matter and will help them. She tried to convince suresh that this is the only source of income for the poor farmers but instead they tried to bribe her. So she gave them the legal notice and warned them that this matter will now go the court. On Friday, coi=urt took the decision in the favor of Roshni and the farmers after 4 months of hearing. The farmers


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