Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Tejas Answered on : 11 Aug 2020
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1 Ravi aged 22 was a village boy. He was very poor, he used to help his father in his farm and also study hard. He wanted to become an IAS officer. He continued his preparation again after his first attempt. He was screened out in the interview. He noted all the points which he wanted to cover. He worked very hard to correct all his mistakes. In the second attempt, he got selected in the interview. After that he became an officer, he was told to select some cities where he would like to work. He choose the village area where he used to live. He wanted to make developments in his village and bring new technologies there. Ravi became very famous among the people wherever he go because of his dedication in the work. Wherever he go people gather around him to listen his thoughts and plans. Ravi had worked very good for the development of the society. He likes to serve his people and listen to there issues, he visits various villages to know there issues and tries to solve them too.


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