Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : MEGHNA DEVUAnswered on : 08 Sep 2020
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 shiva was from a poor family . his father worked as mere labourer but he was adamant on his son's education. shiva worked hard everyday for a better future. since he saw all the issues faced mere wagers and poor people around him and how companies treated them badly, he wanted to become a civil rights advocate and lawyer. he excelled in his field of study and got scholarship from the state govt to pursue his studies in delhi university after which he went on to represent the country on international forums. after 10 years he came back to his village, contacted the administrative officer serving there and they together started initiates foe betterment of the people . they made sure that children are educated and made a path so that the children could reach in time. as the villagers all hovered to thank him , he came out of the car and gave a speech and thanked the govt the young administrative officers to have launched such schemes which helped the poor children to get a basic education and encouraged the people of the village to


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