Answer for PPDT Picture For Online Story Writing Practice Picture - 2

Attempted By : scindiaAnswered on : 10 Mar 2019
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1 Online PPDT story writing practice Ramsath is a young boy who lived along with his mother and grandmother in a small village in madurai. He was very eager to join army from his childhood. Inspite of his poor family condition he studied hard and passed his school and college. He was an NCC cadet during his college days. By the help of his ANO he learnt a lot of things and prepared well for the army exam. Soon he wrote his exam and he was selected for army. He was to undergo training in army in Dehradun. With the blessings of his mother and grandmother he went to training. After his training period he got commissioned and was working in kashmir. He used to visit his home only twice in a year. His mother was very much worried about him. All of a sudden there was some dispute in the border side and war went on. Ramsath's mother was worried much because her son was there. After the war some days later her son visited them. When he entered his mother and his grandmother was feeling sad about him and after seeing him they felt very happy. They were very proud to have a son like him.


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