Answer for Practice story writing on sample PPDT picture

Attempted By : Rashmi SAnswered on : 25 Jun 2017
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1 Ramesh was a manager in an IT company one day he had to attend an important board meeting in his office, but he got late in the morning.So, he was driving his car very fast exceeding the maximun road speed limit.On the way a tongo came on the otherside and they met with the accident.Ramesh got scared and he took the person to the hospital and got him treated.Ramesh was very guilty with his action and he regrated for his urgency nature and driving .Ramesh paid the hospital bill and apologized the person and Ramesh made promise to himself that he will not repeat it again in his lifetime and left the person to his ome and he repaired the tongo which was broken in the accident and handed over to the person and left to his office.He explained everything for the reason to be late to his meeting later the director asked him to present his project and he was appreciated for his work.


Story needs improvement. Here you have shown hero at fault. Try to avoid showcasing hero as defaulter.
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