Answer for Practice story writing on sample PPDT picture

Attempted By : yashwanthAnswered on : 25 Nov 2018
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 It was one fine monday morning, beginning of a week. The roads were busy with moving vehicles and noisy. Ram, was the driver for an IT company CEO. the time was 9.00 AM and the CEO has to attend a meeting at 9.30 A.M, with the other board members of IT sectors. He was getting late to the meeting and hence urged his driver to drive fast. Due to the owner's hurry the driver rushed up and dashed against a cart that was crossing the road in a four cross road. As the driver drove at a very high speed, he went out of control and situation made worse. The man who was travelling and riding the cart were severely injured and were bleeding heavily. The driver and the owner were safe as they were wearing seat belts. After the incident the owner immediately got down from the car and called for the ambulance and informed the police. Escorted the injured people, funded them for their medicines and treatment and intimated the P.A that he would be late and explained the situation to him. Made sure that the patients were out of danger and left the hospital by giving the driver a command to take care of them until their family comes.


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