Answer for Practice story writing on sample PPDT picture

Attempted By : Shubhansu JeeAnswered on : 06 Dec 2018
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1 There was a rich buisnesman who was egoist and arrogant in his life, on a very fine day he was traveling through a village where he meets with a fatal accident and gets injuries and the car hits horse cart and the cart man gets a sever injury and gets laid down on ground, which iin turn gets a attention of many villagers and he is been rescued by villagers and been treated well by the vilagers seeing this the buisnesman curse his life and money and he sees the love of people more important than money and this gets his ego burstoff. Which inturn makes him a proper mind person and transforms his mind to be kind and generous toward people and money,then he sees the the love of animal towards its master who weeps for his loss and turns the hourse down and turns buisnessman to a sage of mankind and he leaves all the wealth back in town start a nobel life in a village and makes a wise decision who later on becomes a messenger of god. This incident teaches the person to learn how the peopleof lower income is happier and lead a nobel life than the people who are rich.Be rich by people near yo


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