Answer for Practice story writing on sample PPDT picture

Attempted By : neerajAnswered on : 12 Mar 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 There are 5 people in the story. Three are 3 young men in their 20s and one is an old man who pulls a rikshaw. And the fifth person is a car driver who is learning to drive the car he has just crossed 18. Now the story starts with the boy who has just got his learner license from the transport department and learning to drive a car. suddenly there was a curve on the road and he was not aware of the fact that he should slowdown at the curve. he lost control and rammed his car on a rikshaw. as the old man on the rikshaw was waiting for some person to come so that he can make some money. but he was thrown out of rikshaw and was severly injured near three boys who were passing by came to help. and the car driver with the help of three boys took him to the hospital. the rikshaw puller was saved and thanked the car driver for bringing him to the hospital. Later on Car driver paid compensation to the old manand thanked the three young boys for their efforts and the three boys were very satisfied that they helped to save a life. They


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