Answer for Practice story writing on sample PPDT picture

Attempted By : Ajay nAnswered on : 26 Jun 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Raghav is a young and dynamic student from his village , who is in his final years of his graduation . One day as he was going to his college with his friends he saw a speeding car hitting a bullock cart. The people in cart was heavily injured . He saw people around there was very reluctant to take the injured to the hisplital. So as a responsible person , he sweep in to necessary actions. He asked his friend to make a temporary barricade around the accident prpne area . Then he made the injured to be taken out from the wreckage . And He took the people to the hospital . Also he informed the police about the incident .Made necessary arrangements to inform the relatives of the deceased from one of the persons ID card. With this act of kindness, he got the news that all the injured we're recovered properly. And doctor commented on his presence of mind and actions to bring them to the hospital as soon as possible


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