Answer for Practice story writing on sample PPDT picture

Attempted By : Hemanth NaraniAnswered on : 29 May 2020
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 THE ROAD ACCIDENT The picture shows about a road accident between the car and a Tonga(horse cart). The accident seems to be happened at the turning or intersection point of two roads. The car has punched the cart from the side and one wheel of the cart has separated from the cart. The person sitting in cart was lying on the road because the car might hit the cart very hard because it is made of strong material that the cart. There are three persons watching the accident from beside of the cart. The car looks like the Indian Ambasdor car. The horse also got some few injuries because the cart was hit by a car. Everyone is watching the body lying on the road and car driver might got ran away because if fear that he might get beaten up by the nearby people or police leaving the car at the accident place only. The situations seems to be cart crossing the road slowly because it was drove by a horse and the car coming from the other road has hit the cart at the turning of the road because it happened at the junction.


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