Answer for Practice story writing on sample PPDT picture

Attempted By : Rahul JangirAnswered on : 06 Oct 2020
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1 In this picture I observed that their are 3 characters in which all of them are male.2 of them are in neutral mood and 1 is in negative mood. Mohit is a 16 year old student studying in class 12th one day he was going in the school but in the way he observed that the crowd is gatherd at a place. He went their and observed that a accident of a car and a horse cart is taken place.He observed that both the car driver and the cart owner was heavily injured.He also noticed that no one in the crowd is helping the victims. Mohit being a senseble student took the mobile phone of a person in crowd and called the Ambulance. Mohit asked everyone to help him out to give the first aid to the victims.Later on the Ambulance arrived and took them to the hospital. Mohit was very upset by the thing that no one from the crowd has helped the victims and not even called the Ambulance. He scold everyone present their and went for the scool again.


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