Answer for Self Description Test Online Practice Set for civilians

Attempted By : sheetalAnswered on : 06 Mar 2021
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 What is your future goal or aim? I have some short-term goals which I know if accomplished successfully will lead to the achievement of long-term goals. I want to perform my duties well and want to be someone with whom respect towards me and my family could be associated. I want to earn well so that I could have a place in society where my thoughts and actions would matter. I want to be an empowered and a smart woman to which society could look high.
2 What do you think about yourself? I consider myself as someone who can perform extremely well provided I am supported by the organization I am associated with. However I often equally try to perform well without much support given. I know my duties in whatever role I am and it is discipline in me that keeps me moving forward. I try to give as best I could in tasks assigned. However sometimes I get emotional thinking about somethings of my life.
3 Who is your best friend and what is his opinion about you? I do not have any best friend but I have a very close friend and we have good understanding of each other. She considers me trustworthy and helpful. She thinks I give her valuable suggestions whenever required and therefore often shares her thoughts with me whether in all her moments. Even when there is something disturbing her, she frankly opens up with me as she is sure that I keep her secrets well.
4 What your Teacher thinks about you? My teacher considers me an obedient and disciplined child. They consider me punctual as I submit my assignments on time no matter they are done individually or in group. They find me helpful towards my classmates and also gives me certain roles as they consider me responsible. They often make me a group leader in certain projects keeping in mind my friendly and understanding behavior towards my teammates.
5 What is your Parents opinion aout you? My parents consider me a responsible child who not only takes care of her studies but equally help the siblings to study well. They trust me and believes that I can do well in life and therefore keeps motivating me. They trust me in finance related issues and know that I am not extravagant or misuse the money. They trust me in providing hospitality of guests. They often tell me to sleep on time but seeing the studies work to be completed they are aware at the same time.


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