Answer for Self Description Test Online Practice Set for civilians

Attempted By : YudiminAnswered on : 10 Apr 2021
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 What is your future goal or aim? Development of the country. To empower the youth to support others, channelize youth's energy for the betterment of society and m=to maintain peace. I see entrepreneurship as something that will develop new areas for the betterment and making the youth empowered and independent enough to make the right decisions. Not just the economic sector but mental health, nature, and extraterrestrial and outer space, I see development in all those areas. I want to eradicate the brain drain as well.
2 What do you think about yourself? I respect myself for who I have become and I am becoming everyday learning new skills, interacting with great people, networking in different areas, and exploring more and more. I am proud to have learnt to cope up with the most difficult and depressing situations of life. I know I am a person who will go into deep analysis once the topic attracts my attention. I do all work with a blend of hard and smart work. I am committed to my country, my purpose, my parents and myself. I see myself as an ambitious and empowered person and someone who supports and uplifts others. I see myself as a great life advisor for having a talent to closely observe life.
3 Who is your best friend and what is his opinion about you? My best friend is me. I have a lot of friends but I always took myself as my best friend for I have been with myself in most of the diverse conditions. She sees me as a person who can carry out her emotions in a very intelligent way. She sees me as a person who gives good advice to whoever comes for the solution. She seem=s me as a determined woman. She loves me a lot for I made her learn that she is to be loved the same way and then she will be able to love others. dusro ki jai s pehle khud ki jai kren, I am the one who taught the actual meaning of the message to my best friend. She is grateful every day for having a friend like me.
4 What your Teacher thinks about you? My teachers see me as a woman of a polite, confident, aspiring, and well-mannered character. They see me as a person with a lot of potentials and that too in many areas. They have given me their support for a variety of co-curricular activities. They see me as a person who always works with a blend of smart and hard work. They see me as a person who not just takes up the knowledge but implements it for the betterment of society. They see me as a person who has accomplished a lot and will not stop till her death bed. They see me as an epitome of strength
5 What is your Parents opinion aout you? My parents see me as a determined girl. They see me as a confident and well-mennred person who always respects others. They see me as an intelligent person who would go deep into the topic and quench the thirst of knowledge. They see me as a determined person who would focus on her task with consistency giving it my full attention. Sometimes, they get worried about me for my ways to test subjects and my concentration on a particular topic. My parents believe me a lot for I have always made them proud. They see strength and determination and an ability to grow in hash conditions in me.


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