Answer for Situation Reaction Test Online Practice Set 1

Attempted By : Aishwarya KumarAnswered on : 16 Jul 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Total No.of Individuals - 80+ Ages & Gender - 20-30,M-F Mood- Excited, Positive An IIT-JEE 2008 topper, Piyush Srivastava has returned back to his village in Pratapgarh near Allahabad.He was working in an MNC in Germany and was earning more than 30 lakhs/year. Recently he was able to get some insights about his drought affected village. So he decided to take U-Turn in his life, quit his job and return back to his village in order to help his people.As soon he arrived in his village, villagers rush to see the glimpse of their savior and surrounded his car.Some local news reporter also came to fetch the news.Farmers have admitted that they are really optimistic after Piyush's arrival and believe that he can turn around their fortune.Piyush with the help of his friend and some local authorities will implement few reforming methods both financially & technically to improve farming conditions.Impressed by his foresight & efforts Panchayat has decided to reward him with a position in their system.


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