Answer for Situation Reaction Test Online Practice Set 1

Attempted By : LilianaAnswered on : 20 Feb 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
2 His exams are starting next week and he is not fully prepared. His father’s fast friend suddenly comes to the house and there is no one else to look after him. entertains his father's friend till a member comes back home, excuses himself to study.
3 His father has fixed his marriage with a rich girl but he is in love with his classmate. He has never disobeyed his father. His girlfriend on the other hand says that if he does not marry her, she will commit suicide. explains to her father about her affection for her classmate, convinces him, marries her classmate.
4 He and his brother have gone to a forest, they lost their way and it is becoming dark. While going to attend an important meeting, he saw a ghastly accident between an auto rickshaw and a Tonga. helped the injured to the hospital on their way to the event, reach on time to the event.
5 He and his friend are standing on a bridge over a river. His friend who does not know swimming suddenly falls down. she dives into the water, grabs the friend, rescues him.


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