Answer for SSB interview Picture Perception and Description Test Picture Story Writing Practice Set - 5

Attempted By : GaurvunAnswered on : 21 Jan 2022
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1 Rohini, a 22 year old girl, is a very bright student who basically hails from a remote village with minimal resources. She has scored very good marks in her graduation. She has also cleared GATE examination in Electronics Engineering. She lives with her parents and a younger boy in the village. After completing graduation she was having a joy time in her home and her parents planned to go the market with his younger brother as someone was also needed to be at home for safety. She was inside her room and was studying when her parents left for the market. Market was nowhere near to the village. Apparently she got locked inside the house and there was no one to open the door. She tried to reach the door's handle from window but failed everytime. Being locked inside the house she thinks of developing a censor system which will work on heat signatures. This system will work on every living being. Now after developing the system shes happy.


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