Answer for SSB interview Picture Perception and Description Test Picture Story Writing Practice Set - 5

Attempted By : Akshay mishraAnswered on : 24 Apr 2018
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1 Suraj is a college boy who is studying bba. One fine day as he was looking outside the window to get some fresh air he sees an accident between a motorcycle and a car in front of his house 50 mtrs away. He goes to the accident site & immediately note down the car number & picks up the brutally injured man from the road and lays him down on bed in his house and asks his mom to bring some haldi & first aid while he calls the ambulance and police. Ambulance arrives in 15 minutes he sends the man to the hospital and gives the car number to the police. Police pats his back for doing the right thing and for his efforts. The man gets well after few days he checks on him and makes sure he is okay. The person in the car gets caught and jailed for rash driving.


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Commented By : Varunkante       Member Level : Bronze      Commented On : 08-May-2018       Points : 2      

Bro that was a good story but how he came outside eventhough the door was locked

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