Answer for SSB interview Picture Perception and Description Test Picture Story Writing Practice Set - 5

Attempted By : Hari Prasad PandaAnswered on : 07 Mar 2019
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1 The picture describes about a female character who is awaiting for her child to come home from school. Her husband is out of this country to earn livelihood and her only partner is her only child, She is waiting for child after being prepared evening snacks so that her child can have them. In the mean while she stands near the window and she keeps on missing those days of her partner with she had spent quality time. She also makes sure that the friends of her child also get to eat what she had prepared. she whole responsibility of her child was hers as the child is not matured to know what is bad and what is good? Everyday she use to watch her child come from school by standing near the window. She loves her child more than her. They live in poverty but she makes sure that her child gets nutritious food everyday. She works hard in the field and contributes to the family income so that she can fulfill her child's dream to become a successfull Engineer.


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