Answer for SSB interview Picture Perception and Description Test Picture Story Writing Practice Set - 5

Attempted By : vivek pasulaAnswered on : 01 Jul 2019
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1 The character that is visible in the picture is only a girl child. She is peeping through her window from inside the house. My Action Story would be, Raveena is a highly active girl. She is the topper of the class and at the same time involved in NCC. She Stayed with her parents in a home which is on a plateau area which is above the ground level. Nearby her home there is a complete low lying area. There lived many people in that area. One day it started raining. The Water from the top hill area are completely flowing into the low lying area. Then it started pouring continuously. There were few houses, who were not aware of what is happening and did not realize that water would be flowing through their houses soon. Then Raveena took a step and went in the rain to help those and inform them that rain water would be flooding through your houses, evacuate immediately with important belongings and lock the house and take them to a safer place. In this way raveena used her intelligence and saved from loss of property and life by evacuating the low lying area during major rainfall. The takeaway from the story can be prevention is better than cure, one must act instinctively and the rightful use of education.


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