Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : Nisha singhAnswered on : 09 Oct 2016
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire light destru
2 Bright future shining light
3 Fly desires dreams freedom birds
4 Crime police criminal case accused vi
5 Afford home
6 Game fun basketball
7 Hot coffee
8 Future afcat success airfor
9 Clever smart work cunning
10 Happy family world good times
11 Combat fightback wars
12 Burden stress workload tough time
13 Worship faith religions god
14 War destruction
15 Prasie good people work
16 Guarantee success
17 Brutal harsh killings
18 Scandal bribe money false people bad work currpt
19 Interfere work people
20 Choice decisions future
21 Doubt question answer
22 Crowd noise
23 Gem stones colours astrology
24 Pity poor
25 Infection disease curesick
26 Read book novels best pass time
27 Murder death kill
28 Result merit final ultimatum
29 Average marks
30 Freedom birds fly dreams avcieve
31 Dismiss walkout le
32 Tidy enviornment clean space rooms
33 Grudge difference
34 Judge
35 Sorrow tears grief pain
36 Nation duty dedication united one for all all for
37 Operation task success
38 Clever smart confident need of hour
39 All one united
40 Possible everything
41 Drive car hill station
42 Tree fruits shelter oxygen nature
43 Cheat a thing which destroys you
44 Shout
45 Venom snake poison dangerous
46 Cruel towards enemy
47 Dance exercise form
48 Religion makes people united
49 Army pride of a country courageous
50 Discipline required to achieve success
51 Rule make person diceplined
52 Lonely out of the world solitude .
53 Problem solution
54 Pride getting selected in afcat
55 Rank status to achevie in
56 Soldier brave courageous dedicated towards nation
57 Defeat th negative thought wich comes into your mind
58 Achieve dreams afcat
59 Zealous great enthusiasm to fulfilypur dream
60 Rigid tough mind


Answers need improvement.
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