Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : Maneesh Kumar DwivAnswered on : 22 Oct 2018
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire firing is bad
2 Bright everyone has a possibility of a bright future
3 Fly flying in your head always will lead you to nowhere
4 Crime istead of punishment we should rehabiltate criminals to be better citizens
5 Afford one should stretch his hands only that much that he can afford
6 Game life is a game with infinite possibilities
7 Hot hot temperature can be tough
8 Future thinking about future and doing nothing in present is stupid
9 Clever clevernes will get you one step ahead of your rival
10 Happy happiness and sadness are part and parcel of life
11 Combat one should have good reflexes to get success in combat
12 Burden burdening someone in hope of getting more of the task done in quick time is futile
13 Worship blindly worshipping something will only lead to false hopes and aspirations
14 War war has always been considered an evil but also for humans it is inevitable
15 Prasie hearing false praises and according to them will only lead you to misery
16 Guarantee theres no guarantee of anything in life,it is unpredictable
17 Brutal being brutally honest can be both a good quality and bad quality
18 Scandal one should stay away from scandalous persons
19 Interfere interfering in someone elses matter isnt a thing
20 Choice choices are everywhere around us,we should make use of them every time
21 Doubt never have doubt in yourself
22 Crowd standing in a crowd and standing out in a crowd are two different things
23 Gem finding gem can be difficult but you can always finf them in muddy water
24 Pity never have pity for someone empathy is better
25 Infection happiness is infectious
26 Read read and right should be the right of every human being
27 Murder murder without motive is really cruel and inhumane
28 Result result oriented education is leading the nation down
29 Average average marks doesnt mean you are average as a human being
30 Freedom true freedom is happiness of yourself and others
31 Dismiss dismissing failures and learning from them is better than feeling sad doing nothi
32 Tidy tidiness shows how much disciplined you are in your life
33 Grudge holding grudge against someone will only put you down against him
34 Judge judging a book by its cover is the biggest mistake one can make
35 Sorrow one should never drown sorrow as its temporary just like happiness
36 Nation nation comes first,its world for us
37 Operation recent military operations have been pride for our nation
38 Clever cleverness can make you one step ahead aginst your opponent
39 All all are equal
40 Possible there are many possibilities in this infinite world,so lead a positive life
41 Drive driving forward always and never looking back,that should be ones motto
42 Tree trees brings happiness and peace in our lives,so we should save them and
43 Cheat cheating your way in life will get you nowhere
44 Shout shouting is not a way of getting things across
45 Venom speaking venomus things always can lead to some bad taste in your life
46 Cruel cruelness against nature and fellow human beings is a bad example
47 Dance dancing can be good recreational hobby with many positive aspects
48 Religion religion should not come against humanity
49 Army army is the personification of discipline and courage
50 Discipline discipline in day to day life can make things better for us
51 Rule following rules always is a good thing but we should be flexible according to conditions
52 Lonely loneliness is a part of life,one should be acclimatised to it
53 Problem there is always a solution for every problem
54 Pride pride is a positive thing while prejudice is negative
55 Rank rank should not matter while giving opinions and hearing them
56 Soldier a soldier goal should be helping his comrades in war
57 Defeat success and defeat are part and parcel of life,one should learn from them instead of lament
58 Achieve achieving success and reaching new heights is a good goal
59 Zealous being zealous with rivals is a good thing only if you
60 Rigid one should not be rigid in his perceptions


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