Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : scindiaAnswered on : 10 Mar 2019
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1 Speak We must speak against all the petty issues.
2 Bonding The bonding between ourselves and with god cannot be felt anywhere.
3 Treat We must treat everyone equally
4 Fool Be a fool than to cheat someone.
5 Begger The begger near ourcollege helped a lady today in retriving her bag from the thief.
6 Fear Dont fear for petty issuses.
7 Bond The bond between a mother and a child is a greatest thing in this world.
8 Frighten The cat is always frightened about dogs
9 Write Students must write and see their answers so that they can remember it during their exam time.
10 Try Try hard until you reach your goal in your life.
11 Coward One must try to convert his coward nature to brave nature.
12 Lie Telling lie is a great offense
13 Act One must act to the worst situation quickly
14 Grim Dont grim your face to do work.
15 Labor Saranya was crying out with labor pain
16 Zeal
17 Clue For every problem there is a clue to find its solution.
18 Dry dry the clothes in sun
19 Weak We must help the students who are weak in learning.
20 Truth One must always speak the truth so that the society believes them.
21 Excellent Ram has done a very excellent job in his office.
22 Argue We must not try to argue in a discussion.
23 Figure We must try to figure out all the problems by ourself.
24 Primary Our primary duty is to respect our parents.
25 Guilty Only the person who has committed mistake feels guilty.
26 Trouble We must help others when they are in trouble.
27 React One must react quickly in odd situation
28 Law My brother is practising law in coimbatore
29 Seal The institute was sealed because of the illigeal acti
30 Destination To reach our destination in life we must work hard to attain it.
31 Tiger Tiger is the national animal of India.
32 Victory The Indian team met their victory only because of their dedication and hard work.
33 Meet Raghu asked Swetha "Shall we meet?"
34 Beg We must help the poor people who beg.
35 History Our Indian History is the inspiration to many youth.
36 Jail The Andaman Jail has lots of untold brave stories.
37 Viper The viper of the car was damaged due to heavy rain.
38 Hurt we must not hurt anyone
39 Drama Sheakespeare's drama was famous all over the world.
40 Cry Crying helps us in removing the dust from our eyes.
41 Poor We must help the poor people whenever they are in need of help.
42 Quick Be quick enough to answer the questions.
43 Excess Using phone at night may cause excess damage to our eyes.
44 Traitor The person whom you said was your friend was a traitor
45 Brave One must act bravely in all s
46 Sweet Taking too much sweet is not good for our teeth.
47 Win Work hard to Win in any of the activities.
48 Father For many people their father is their role model.
49 Read Everyone should read newspapers daily to gain the good vocabulary.
50 Team Working in a team is very important
51 Offer We must offer whatever we can to the old people
52 Snake There are different varities of snakes in India.
53 Ambush
54 Detail Detail answers must be written to 10 mark ques
55 Dream we should dream our future in a positive way
56 Kill We must kill our ego and be friendly too all.
57 Ground We must respect our ground before doing the parade.
58 Criminal The criminal was arrested by the police after a long time
59 Answer Our answer to the question must be in a very unique way
60 Play Rajesh was a very good player.


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