Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : Akshat PathakAnswered on : 17 Mar 2019
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1 Speak Think before you speak
2 Bonding Good bonding is always beneficial
3 Treat We should everyone with respect
4 Fool Fool is one who
5 Begger Begger are not chooser
6 Fear Do not fear the enemy
7 Bond A good bond leads to a good truested friend
8 Frighten We should never get frighten by hard work
9 Write
10 Try We should always try to do our best
11 Coward Coward person is not accepted by anyone
12 Lie We should not lie about ourselves
13 Act We shlud act fast in an emergency situation
14 Grim He is very grim in his nature
15 Labor Labour should be done in the right direction
16 Zeal
17 Clue
18 Dry the
19 Weak We should not think ourselves as weak
20 Truth Truth always prevail
21 Excellent the team has done an excellent work
22 Argue We should not argue with our elders and teachers.
23 Figure they finally figure out the way to attack the terrorist
24 Primary our primary aim is to serve the nation
25 Guilty The terrorist found guilty
26 Trouble we shoould w=keep our family from tr
27 React They react to the fact that he is accepted.
28 Law We should respect our law
29 Seal they seal the factory
30 Destination Every one will reach its destination either early or late
31 Tiger Tiger is a very powerful animal
32 Victory All the soldiers are celebrating their victory
33 Meet I finally meet the ideal of my life.
34 Beg Don't beg it earn it.
35 History HIstory told us about the mistakes we should never repeat
36 Jail All the culprits should be in jail as soon as possible.
37 Viper Viper snakes are very dangerous and fast
38 Hurt We should not hurt our friends and family
39 Drama Some of the people ar
40 Cry Don't cry over the spilled milk
41 Poor Persons are not only poor by money some are by heart
42 Quick We shloud be quick in making decisions
43 Excess Excess of everything could not be beneficial
44 Traitor One should never trust the traitor
45 Brave Soldiers of the Indian army are brave by body and mind
46 Sweet The chocolate in my hand is very sweet
47 Win I always tr
48 Father My father is a role model for me.
49 Read I love to read about o=my
50 Team We should always trust our team members
51 Offer They offer me to be a part of Swach Bharat ABhiyan
52 Snake Snake has very good reflexes
53 Ambush
54 Detail He is telling the whole incident in detail
55 Dream A dream to serve the Indian army
56 Kill one should kill its ego and bad habits to become a good person
57 Ground the ground is very good to play football.
58 Criminal Criminals should be treated under the law not
59 Answer I will try to give answers honestly and accurately
60 Play I like to play football its a great excercise.


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