Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : NIKHIL MODIAnswered on : 25 Apr 2018
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 main character - roshan / +ve mood no of characters - a group of people this is the story of a boy named roshan he was very charming and helpful to the people from childhood, he used to help old persons to carry their luggage. roshan now working with the good mnc company. one day he saw that there is very less awareness for development in his town. he decided to form his own party with his friends who were having same thought. they all sat together one day and decided the work they are going to do for the people and also decided their party name and symbol. they all decided that they will not wait for the election but will help as soon their party get recognization. they all went door to door and discussed peoples problem and helped them then and there. when election came and they all contested their party won. first day when they reach party office huge crowd


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