Answer for SSB interview Picture Perception and Description Test Picture Story Writing Practice Set - 5

Attempted By : ANUAnswered on : 18 Nov 2018
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1 neelam, a teenage girl looking out of the window of her house. she is not allowed to go out of the house as she is going through menstruation. she lives in a village where society feels it is not sensible for girls to out of their houses after puberty. it has been forbidden for neelam to go school, to play outside with other kids especially teenage boys etc. that is why she was looking sad as she can see other people living their life without any prohibitions and restrictions. and by other people i mean only men as only they as gender are allowed to anything their own way. neelam is looking outside and watching life moving. it is the fact that only women are expected take step backward, still people dont let girls live their life-girls are allowed to live a life a certain way. it is very important to understand that we all are humans and all these rules of the society has been made by some human only. live and let live


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